Monday, April 17, 2006

sal negra y roja de hawaii

Premium Hawaiian natural sea salt has a unique combination of taste, mineral content, intriguing varietals, while still being reasonably priced. The black lava salt and the red alaea clay salt have a delicious unique flavor, in addition to their dramatic presentation.This Hawaiian sea salt is harvested from salt farms on the tiny island of Molokai. There is a very good reason why it tastes so delicious, which is quite logical when you think about it. The Hawaiian Island archipelago is extremely isolated from other land masses. Within the Hawaiian Islands, the island of Molokai is the least developed, This means that the lifestyle is rural and slow paced, there is virtually no industry. With no industrial or sewage runoff, the delicate balance of ocean water remains unpolluted. In addition to the starting point of harvest, the sea, the method of harvesting the salt is also of an extremely high standard. The salt is dried inside of a high-tech, custom designed solar evaporator. The food grade solar pans are hermetically sealed to allow slow evaporation, which leave the beautiful salt crystals intact. This also keeps all the valuable trace minerals and electrolytes intact. (Most salt processing destroys these or removes them.) The salt yield is about 84% sodium chloride and 16% naturally occurring minerals, which are very good for the human body. The resurgence of salt harvesting on the island of Molokai has brought new life to the economy of the island. The salt is bottled and labeled under supervision of certified salt masters, who are members of the SaltMasters Guild of Hawaii. The black has a somewhat nutty flavor while the red presents a nice sweet finish. Both are full of flavor, sparkling in presentation and quite dramatic.

manana pongo fotos de postres y bombones que hice con sal negra ......

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