Tuesday, April 18, 2006

el fin de semana pongo mas postres k hice ,,, al ritmo k voy hago 5 postres por semana ,, hoy hice uno de pipas garrapinadas con durasnos tibios pochados en te de jamiz y helado de chocolate blanco y cervesa kirin ,,, y tambiem una creme brule de shiso y dulce de leche arena de coco y sorbete de pina hawaina vamos a ver manana libre .....................
me salgo un poc de la cocina dulce y les muestro un poco de lo que hacen en la parte caliente sobre todo la forma de usar carne kobe ,, la primera foto en la especifico kobe japones es el unico que es 100 % japones y se vende al publico a 32 dolares la onza , los otros es la vercion americana del kobe es un poco distinta es de la mismo tipo de vaca wagyu (wa=japones gyu=vaca) pero es criada en california despues mandada a japon para que sea sacrificada y luego traida a america de nuevo todo esto para que sea sertificada como kobe ..... pero sin duda la japonesa es de mucho mayor calidad , por lo general se sirve tipo sashimi o tataki en el restaurante pero despues le mando las fotos de este http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobe_beef aki les dejo informacion a kien pueda interesar ......

toban de kobe con esparragos  Posted by Picasa

limpiando el lomo de kobe  Posted by Picasa

lomo de kobe teriyaki  Posted by Picasa

trucha asalmonada ,, tomate cherry confitado en matequilla y ajo ,micro de cilanto y daikon y aceite trufado Posted by Picasa

lomito de kobe japones (se vende a $32 la onza) pure de esperragos japoneses foie gras , y reducion de sake miel y miso
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aqui algo de la cocina caliente ,,,,,,,,,,, king crab tempura yuzu jalapeno sauce Posted by Picasa

triffle ( postre ingles) de satsuma ( mandarina japonesa) y frutos rojos sobre crema de vailla montada aceite de limon verde crumble de papelon y sorbete de gengibre y limon  Posted by Picasa

de dulce de leche y yuzu Posted by Picasa

haupia caliente ( puding de coco tipico de hawaii) cubierto en hojuelas de avellana , salsa de vino rojo y miel , cremoso de chocolate de leche con sal negra de hawaii y azucar de miso Posted by Picasa

miso.... Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 17, 2006

syrup de agave

es sumamente pratico este syrup ,, exelente edulcorante y anticristalisante para sorbete sumamente bueno para la salud ( si lo comparas con azucar ) lo recomiendo altamente lo uso diariamente para todo es un poco caro pero vale la pena .........

The Awesome Agave
The agave plant has long been cultivated in hilly, semi-arid soils of Mexico. Its fleshy leaves cover the pineapple-shaped heart of the plant, which contains a sweet sticky juice. Ancient Mexicans considered the plant to be sacred. They believed the liquid from this plant purified the body and soul. When the Spaniards arrived, they took the juices from the agave and fermented them, leading to the drink we now call tequila.
But there is a more interesting use for this historic plant. Agave syrup (or nectar) is about 90% fructose. Only recently has it come in use as a sweetener. It has a low glycemic level and is a delicious and safe alternative to table sugar. Unlike the crystalline form of fructose, which is refined primarily from corn, agave syrup is fructose in its natural form. This nectar does not contain processing chemicals. Even better, because fructose is sweeter than table sugar, less is needed in your recipes. It can be most useful for people who are diabetic, have insulin resistance (Syndrome X), or are simply watching their carbohydrate intake.
Fructose has a low glycemic value. However, according to some experts, if fructose is consumed after eating a large meal that overly raises the blood sugar or with high glycemic foods, it no longer has a low glycemic value. Strangely enough, it will take on the value of the higher glycemic food. So exercise restraint, even with this wonderful sweetener. It is a good policy to eat fructose-based desserts on an empty stomach, in between meals or with other low-glycemic foods. Use it for an occasional treat or for a light touch of sweetness in your dishes.
This sweetener is sometimes called "nectar" and sometimes called "syrup". It is the same food.
The light syrup has a more neutral flavor.
In recipes, use about 25% less of this nectar than you would use of table sugar. ¾ cup of agave nectar should equal 1 cup of table sugar. For most recipes this rule works well.
When substituting this sweetener in recipes, reduce your liquid slightly, sometimes as much as 1/3 less.
Reduce your oven temperature by 25 degrees.
The glycemic index of agave nectar is low.
As a food exchange, a one-teaspoon serving of agave nectar equals a free food. Two servings or two teaspoons equals ½ carbohydrate exchange. ELF Organic Raw Agave Syrups:
Premium Dark – 85% fructose made with 100% Agave tequilana weber azul. A mineral rich, dark syrup with a vanilla-like aroma. Truly one of a kind!

Premium Light – 85% fructose made with 100% Agave tequilana weber azul, filtered to clarify the syrup.

Standard Dark – 74% fructose made with wild agaves and blue agave. A lighter flavor and color with less sweetness than the permium dark.

Standard Light – 74% fructose made with wild agaves and blue agave, filtered to clarify the syrup.

sal negra y roja de hawaii

Premium Hawaiian natural sea salt has a unique combination of taste, mineral content, intriguing varietals, while still being reasonably priced. The black lava salt and the red alaea clay salt have a delicious unique flavor, in addition to their dramatic presentation.This Hawaiian sea salt is harvested from salt farms on the tiny island of Molokai. There is a very good reason why it tastes so delicious, which is quite logical when you think about it. The Hawaiian Island archipelago is extremely isolated from other land masses. Within the Hawaiian Islands, the island of Molokai is the least developed, This means that the lifestyle is rural and slow paced, there is virtually no industry. With no industrial or sewage runoff, the delicate balance of ocean water remains unpolluted. In addition to the starting point of harvest, the sea, the method of harvesting the salt is also of an extremely high standard. The salt is dried inside of a high-tech, custom designed solar evaporator. The food grade solar pans are hermetically sealed to allow slow evaporation, which leave the beautiful salt crystals intact. This also keeps all the valuable trace minerals and electrolytes intact. (Most salt processing destroys these or removes them.) The salt yield is about 84% sodium chloride and 16% naturally occurring minerals, which are very good for the human body. The resurgence of salt harvesting on the island of Molokai has brought new life to the economy of the island. The salt is bottled and labeled under supervision of certified salt masters, who are members of the SaltMasters Guild of Hawaii. The black has a somewhat nutty flavor while the red presents a nice sweet finish. Both are full of flavor, sparkling in presentation and quite dramatic.

manana pongo fotos de postres y bombones que hice con sal negra ......

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


http://www.theworlds50best.com/bestlist.aspx aqui esta link de los mejores 50 restarantes del mundo, nobu londres llego de 12 ,,, eh trabajado con el que fue chef pastelero de ellos y ahoira es de nobu57 en new york ,,, pues si contento por que ese exito se refleja en mi trabajo ,, hablando de eso voy a new york en mayo confirmado a trabajar 2 semanas ,, en noviembre casi confirmado voy un mes a hawaii a abrir otro nobu pues bien ocupado despues pongo mas fotos

Sunday, April 09, 2006

pal pana andres valbuena hijo prodigio de edgar leal y merecedor del tenedor de platino


Saturday, April 08, 2006

durasnos roztisados , crema helada de cerveza kirin granizado de sprite cake de lima aire de parchita aceite de shizo  Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 01, 2006

bombones de comino , 5 especias ,pandan ,yuzu, shiso,adzuki, green tea , sakura , li hing mango , miso , wasabi .. Posted by Picasa

compota tibia de manzana rostizada con gengibre , salsa de cereza negra , crema de vainilla , pistachios helado de tomillo  Posted by Picasa

mochi de pistachio Posted by Picasa

wa gashi .. son un plato que hacemos para compartir tipo de petit fours , wanton de chocolate ,, harumakis de dulce de leche y pina,(lumpia), satandagis de anis estrellado ( como unas doughnuts fritas) yokan de frambuesa ( gelatina de agar agar de frambuesa ) y mochi ( gelatina de arroz que envuelve helado por dentro ) Posted by Picasa

me salio hacer torta ,, mousse de chocolate amargo gelatina de frambuesa y genoise de yuzu pulverizada con manteca de cacao roja .... Posted by Picasa

salsa de mantequilla de mani y miso ,, cambur turron de miel y mani , helado de nuez moscada gelatina de miel y canela y caramelo de miso Posted by Picasa